Types of Computer Systems

PC - The letters pc stand for personal computer that will fit onto an ordinary desktop that can be used by ordinary people. the Pc itself can be linked up with hardware which stores all the software which was used by the user when going through types of different browsers. pcs are mainly used to identify their use of windows operating systems. the operating system is the background software that runs everybit of information on the hardware such the tower that has all the harddrive to store information as well as the monitor. the PC's are capable of many functions including word processing, playing music and accessing ther internet.

TABLET- tablets are small, flat computers usually used with the comfort of the user to use for games and downloads. the tablets are made with the touch screens. they are like large versions of a touchphone. the tablets have their own hardware built into them with megabytes to store all the information from all the downloads and store the information from all the softwares.

LAPTOP - A Laptop is another another version of a pc but smaller and more advanced and the user will be able to carry it with them and the user is able to import a Wi Fi dongle pen where they are able to access the internet through paying for wi fi to takw with them in any area or they are able to access the internet with particular wifi areas. but the only problem for the user is the fact of not knowing the wifi spots password. But this is for all types of computer systems without an internet connection don't work. though if a person was working in an office or as a teacher keeping notes the laptops are a handy gadget to have as the person is able to carry it around with them and start their work or catch up on work. On a Laptop the person is able to download and send emails just like a PC.

Netbook- A Netbook is a device where the user is able to access many various of books to choose from to read like a digital way of reading but now since the first netbook was made there have been many updates to it since such as internet connection and being able to download apps like apple. Quite simply the Netbook has to be connected to a wi fi connection in order to be connected to the Internet.

The purpose of this was to show the types of computer systems.

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