Storage devices


 A storage device is a device used to record, store data information onto a data storage. Devices range from a hard drive, like Sky which is able to record live shows for the viewer to watch later, to a USB pen which is able to record information from the persons work or file. The momory is of two types one is a primary memory and the other is a secondary memory. The primary memory is a volatile which consists of having types of memory that is erasable where as the secondary memory is a non volatile where the information stored is non erasable. though basically when we talk about storage devices we usually refer to the secondary memory which is used to store information on the laptop permantly such as devices like the Floppy disks though there not used as much today unless if it was for old PC's, usually people use USB pens to store memory from the computer.

Sometimes other devices such as the Xbox 360 which has a hard drive build in it to store devices and memory such when the gamer is downloading from internet links in the xbox live  payed subscription where the user is able to use the internet on their xbox, play other gamers from other areas and of course download software packages.

Another good source of storing memory is the flash memory card which can be imported into cameras, phones, laptops and sometimes even consoles. With this the software will be able to hold more memory and the user will be able to import it into other software devices and share files.

An Ipod has a storage device where it is able to be connected to a PC with a leed and the user can convert the songs onto the ipod with the sync and the ipod will hold as many songs as it can depending on how many gegabytes it can hold such as 8GB to 32GB.


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